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Feeling pessimistic? Today’s pick for the Numberwise book club might be for you. In this edition, we’re taking a look at The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team, with Positive Energy by Jon Gordon. Our bookkeeper, Nakeya, discusses her book choice below.

Book Club: The Energy Bus

The Energy Bus describes how anyone can turn an unhappy life filled with negativity into a thriving, positive life of enthusiasm, joy, and love. I chose this book because our bookworm marketing manager recommended it to me. 

“Positive energy and positive people create positive results. There is certainly a lot of negativity in the world and choosing positive energy helps us deal with the negative people and negative situations that can knock us off course.”

A Glimpse at The Rules

As mentioned in the title above, there are 10 rules shared in the book to ‘fuel your life, work, and team with positive energy.’ If you want to know all 10 rules, I recommend checking out the book. It’s a pretty easy read (or listen), and there’s even a version for kids that’s simplified and illustrated. 

For this review, I’ll share the 4 rules that stuck out to me the most. 


Share your vision and invite people on board. If you want people to work toward the same goal, you need to be crystal clear on what that goal is. If you need help in this area, check out the Numberwise book club: Start With Why by Simon Sinek.  


Don’t waste effort on those who don’t join you. You could spin your wheels trying to win over the negative Nellies who reject your vision and your positive energy. But, that would be a waste of your time and energy. You can inspire change (in some), but you can’t make anyone change. 

Protect Energy

Ban “energy vampires” from your bus. We all know people like this. You share good news of your promotion, and they warn that you’ll hate it because it will be twice the work. 

You’re excited about your new dog and they tell you to watch out – that breed always has behavioral problems. Or you simply say good morning and they say it’s not, in fact, a good morning because they didn’t sleep a wink. Preserve your own energy by limiting interaction with “energy vampires” as much as possible. 


Be enthusiastic: it attracts and energizes others. “Thoughts are magnetic. What we think about, we attract.”

Key Takeaway

My takeaway from Jon Gordon’s The Energy Bus is that life won’t always be sunshine and rainbows. But if you remain positive and use some of these rules, you can turn yourself around and make things better.

Personally, I’m going to adopt the 4 “rules” stated above. I believe these will have a positive impact in my life. 

“Positive energy is like muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. The stronger it gets, the more powerful you become. Repetition is the key and the more you focus on positive energy, the more it becomes your natural state.”

Bottom line 

You might benefit from this book if you’re having a hard time in life right now, or even if you just need a pick-me-up or dose of inspiration.

No matter what you are going through, stay positive and you can make it through.

You can learn more from The Energy Bus website, or order the book from Amazon. Have you read The Energy Bus? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

More editions of the Numberwise Book Club:

Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

You Are A Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

Getting Things Done by David Allen

A World Without Email by Cal Newport

Start With Why by Simon Sinek

About the Author

Picture of Nakeya


Nakeya Rouse is a Bookkeeper with over 15 years of experience in accounting. She's Xero Certified and communicates the bottom line in a simple way.

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